Kamis, 05 April 2012


Alhamdulillahi robbil alamiiin
setahun jalani bisnis ini
demi impian dapet 4jt/bln
hari ini dapet email yg isinya spt berikut itu sesuatu banget *salto guling2* :)

BackmanMicka, Andreas
7:16 PM (1 hour ago)
to undisclosed recipients

Dear Leader,

CONGRATULATIONS and as we say in Sweden, Välkommen till Sverige! (Pronounced VEHL-KOM-MEN TIL SVEH-REE-YE)

This means, Welcome to Sweden!

Reason why you are receiving this email is because YOU have qualified to participate at our Gold Conference in Stockholm, Sweden in August this year.

You should be very proud of your hard work and accomplishment and make sure to enjoy every single moment in Sweden!

This Gold Conference will be truly amazing since it will be one of the biggest conference’s in Oriflame’s history as well as we will together with thousands of other leaders from around the world, celebrate Oriflame’s 45th anniversary!

For more information about Sweden (especially the weather), please feel free to visit;




For more information specifically about Stockholm, please feel free to visit;



Of course, as we get closer to the actual departure, we will provide with more information related to the Gold Conference itself!

Please contact your nearest branch for the details related to the preparation of visa and other documentation required in order for us to process everything related to your trip!

And as we also say in Sweden, VI SES SNART! J

P.S. it means “See you soon!”

Have a great C4!

Andreas Backman Micka

Leadership Development Manager

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